High-Level-Coaching and building in-house regulatory teams

CEOs and other executives represent their companies as stakeholders in public and in the political field. Interacting with political decision-makers is much more than simply communicating with a special audience. The aim is not only to increase your company’s reputation, but to have your interests considered in decision-making. This requires you to think about regulatory issues like your political partners think about them, as political decisions follow different parameters than those within your business or the market-place.

We help you prepare for acting as your company’s ambassador in politics. This includes coaching you on how to successfully deal with politicians, acting as your political sparring partner, and giving advice on how to communicate your interests to political actors and administrative agencies to get results for your business.

We also support your company in building its own capabilities for dealing with political actors and administrative agencies if you plan to engage for the long term. We provide the “political view” to your teams that deal with regulatory and political issues and add our expertise to theirs, either with regard to specific issues and initiatives, or in the form of more general political training workshops.

Inhalt & Themen

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